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Xingqing District Rural Highway Socialization Service (Purchase) Professional Maintenance Project
发布时间:2021-04-23 09:12:14

Transportation Bureau ofXingqing district Yinchuan City, has the maintenance of rural roads more than 60, 28 Bridges and culverts of about 550, the maintenance of a total of 250.023 kilometers. Mainly distributed in Yueyahu town with 76 km, Tonggui town 65 km, Daxing town 50 km andZhangzhen town 64.5 km.The Yueya town located in the west of the river, the other 3 towns in the east of the river. The area's rural roads are mainly composed of three or four roads, and all of them are asphalt concrete pavement.

  Building 5, Liupanshan Road No. 396, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City
  宁公网安备64010402000891号    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-2    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-3
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