Ningxia Communications Construction Co., Ltd
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High-Grade Highways
A10 Expressway from Wuhai to Maqin
发布时间:2021-01-21 14:35:23

Expressway from Wuhai to Maqin is both the first expressway running through the Tengger Desert in Ningxia and the first expressway across the desert hinterland in China. The Expressway from Shizuishan city in the north, to Zhongwei City, passes Yinchuan city, Wuzhong City. It is one of the main bones of the expressway network of "three rings, eight fires and nine links" in Ningxia. It is the most important traffic trunk line in the central and northern Ningxia in the west bank of the Yellow River and the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, as well as the most important rapid transport channel along the Yellow Economic Zone in Ningxia.

Contract section A10 of this project is undertaken by our company and construction period is 45 months.

  Building 5, Liupanshan Road No. 396, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City
  宁公网安备64010402000891号    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-2    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-3
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