Ningxia Communications Construction Co., Ltd
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Artery Roads
National Highway 309 from Xiji to Guojiagou
发布时间:2021-04-23 08:46:45

The second-class highway from Xiji to Guojiagou section of National Highway 309 was built in the 1970s, with poor road conditions and serious diseases, making it difficult for vehicles to drive. Especially in rainy and snowy weather, traffic accidents and traffic interruptions often occur, which seriously affect the traffic capacity of the section. After the reconstruction and expansion of the project, the service level of the national highway in southern Ningxia has been improved to provide more direct, faster and safer services for communication between major cities in the region, reduction of detour, and intercity communication.

The No. contract section of this project is undertaken by our company from the year 2011 to 2012.

  Building 5, Liupanshan Road No. 396, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City
  宁公网安备64010402000891号    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-2    Ningxia ICP No.19000916-3
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